The documentation requirements are rising in the earth construction sector. If contaminated soil is moved the client requests a detailed documentation of material handling. This is why BPO EARTHWORKS was created: A planning, controlling and documentation system to easily document any moved earth on site. BPO EARTHWORKS plans, controls and documents the entire construction process. Loading and unloading location as well as any moved ground is documented to enable simple conclusions about the construction process.


Operational Planning

Operational Planning

Operational planning intuitively coordinates all projects and employees. Protracted coordination processes are reduced to the essentials. Double booking of resources are avoided and schedule conflicts are prevented.

Work Preparation

Work Preparation

Work preparation is mobile and relieves the construction manager because of location-independent access. Working in a network optimises communication in the entire company. Planning documents as well as cycle planning are available in real-time.



After completing the earthwork operation all parameters are available for analysis in diagrams or simulations to identify additional optimisation potential. Idle time of trucks and the site identified seperately.



The performance date are registered on site in real-time, material flow, volume assessment as well as the construction progress is visually arranged and the loading location is documented via GPS.



Cycle planning ensures using the dumper logistics to full capacity. The location of the dumper can be determined via the "BPO Live" app or via an interface connecting the fleet management system, to document idle time.



The live evaluation and the cockpit establish transparency concerning the construction progress for the construction manager and the foreman. The dumper logistics are displayed with arrival times and the remaining necessary volume is calculated and documented.

Mobile Project Planning

BPO EARTHWORKS modular. Not all sites require the same amount of planning. This is why we offer two different solution for earthworks. With the smaller solution only the loading and unloading location is documented. The focus lies on documentation and analysis. With the large BPO EARTHWORKS solution comprehensive cycling and logistics planning can be conducted. The focus here lies on optimisation of logistics between loading and unloading location, avoiding idle time and to use the existing logistics to full capacity. Provided that adjustments are necessary during the construction process, target values can be adjusted dynamically in real-time. This is how constantly changing conditions can be taking into consideration thanks to fast response. With BPO EARTHWORKS the entire planning for dumper, digger and crawler can be created at the push of a button.

Cycle Planning

After defining all required data of the construction project during planning, the detailed cycle planning is conducted for the construction process. With all parameters taken into account the entire earthworks process is clocked. The result is a minute-by-minute target construction sequence following the just-in-time principle. The results are presented in a cycle diagram or in a clear simulation for the management. The cycle planning is the basis for for a process with clear target requirements.

Earthworks and & Logistics Concept

BPO EARTHWORKS ensures that all available information is used beforehand to enable a stress free construction process and to avoid idle time. All important parameters, drafts and planning data are summed up in the earthworks and logistics concept in a clear and detailed way. All planning documents are available at the push of a button and can be forwarded to the client immediately on request.

Features of the Real-time System

Actua-Target Comparison

Actua-Target Comparison

During earthwork the actual data is compared to the target values in real-time and is neatly arranged for the construction management and the foreman.



BPO documents the loading and unloading location to identify contaminated soil. All important events can be captured with pictures and text.

Individually Customisable

Individually Customisable

You have further ideas, requests or incentives for your system? This is not a problem! BPO is individually customisable and adapts to every client's needs.

Evaluation of the Loading Location

To analyse progress every load is connected with the respective unloading location. On completion of the construction measure it can be determined which load was loaded where. All available data is connected via the causal relation of the construction sequence and are available for evaluation on the push of a button. The time of loading and unloading as well as further data is documented and are available for analysis in interactive diagrams and the Business Intelligence Solution (BI). The interactive evaluation options enable to easily identify if the target requirements were met or if cost calculation needs to be adjusted for further projects.

Evaluation of the Unloading Location

The unloading process is registered via GPS at the respective locations. Comparison between actual data and target estimations allows conclusions to be drawn on wether the estimated cycle times are realistic for the next days or if adjustments of the performance data are necessary.

Evaluation of the Dumper Logistics

Not just the loading and unloading location forming a real-time network during construction. The entire dumper logistics can be integrated with the free “BPO Live” app or via interfaces connecting the fleet management system. With a geofence the dumper’s idle time on site or at the mixing plant are automatically documented. the idle time analysis is ready for evaluation during the paving process and allows the foreman to check on idle times for specific dumpers . At the end of a work day the time spent driving, unloading and waiting of every dumper are identifiable. Rout deviations and lap times are discernible as well as pack formation of drivers or non-coordinated process speeds.

Our Clients about BPO:

  • BPO Earthwork documents the loading and unloading location of every load. The system is easy to use and runs stable.

    Jens Phillip Kircher, Senior Construction Manager
    WOLFF & MÜLLER GmbH & Co. KG

  • BPO Earthwork makes the daily work easier and we meet the rising documentation requirements. On top of that our processes got significantly more transparent.

    Hans-Joachim Schieber, Construction Manager