BPO MILLING is the first software solution to optimise the milling process. During the planning process the site is prepared with a cycled planning following the just-in-time principle. During the milling process the supply logistics are controlled from the site in real-time. Idle time for the milling machines and the freight space are minimised. Adhering to set unloading targets is made easier because the moved material is already scheduled.
The documentation of the milling process is significantly streamlined. Optimisation and analysis of the construction day is possible using several index values and precise evaluation of the site as well as the freight space.


Operational Planning

Operational Planning

Operational planning intuitively coordinates all, the milling machine, milling projects and employees. Protracted coordination processes are reduced to the essentials. Double booking of resources are avoided and schedule conflicts are prevented.

Work Preparation

Work Preparation

Working in a network with construction companies and milling companies improves communication. Planning documents are available at any time. With BPO milling and logistics concepts are created quickly.



After completing the milling operation all parameters are available for analysis in diagrams or simulations to identify additional optimisation potential. Idle time of trucks and the milling machine identified seperately.

Disposal Site

Disposal Site

With BPO postponements can be captured centrally and forwarded by the construction management. The performance data is calculated in real-time and the material feed, the volume assessment and progress are visualised.



Cycle planning ensures using the milled material logistics to full capacity. The location of the dumper can be determined via the "BPO Live" app or via an interface connecting the fleet management system, to document idle time.

Milling Machine

Milling Machine

The live evaluation and the cockpit enable transparent visualisation for the construction management and the foreman. The virtual supply chain depicts the trucks with the respective arrival times and volume assessment.

Mobile Project Planning

The milling process in the road construction sector is a challenge. Often the entire trade is given to subcontractors and there is no time for long winded coordination talks. The coordination of truck logistics and the unloading locations is often time consuming and in some cases unclear. Constantly chancing conditions require fast responses and make numerous planning adjustments necessary. This is why we created a synthesis of cutting-edge software and mobile technology. BPO MILLING shortens the entire planning process to a couple of minutes and increases the planning quality by using all available. With BPO MILLING you plan more efficient, faster, easier and if necessary out and about. The licence holder conducts the project planning in a small number of steps to end up with a complete time and sequence plan even if you plan to combine asphalt delivery with milling material transport.
Also: BPO is completely flexible. Adjustments during construction is not a problem even if the construction process has to be changed during the day. BPO supports you exactly how you expect it to do.

Cycle Planning

After defining all required data of the milling process during planning, the detailed cycle planning is conducted. With all parameters taken into account the entire milling process is clocked. The result is a minute-by-minute target milling sequence following the just-in-time principle. The results are presented in a cycle diagram or in a clear simulation for the management. The cycle planning is the basis for for a milling process with clear target requirements that can be measured during execution.

Milling and & Logistics Concept

BPO MILLING ensures that all available information is used beforehand to guarantee a stress free construction process and to minimise idle time of the miller as well as idle time of the trucks. All important parameters, drafts and planning documents are summed up in the paving and logistics concept in a clear and detailed way. All planning documents are available at the push of a button and can be forwarded to the subcontractor immediately on request.

Features of the Real-time System

Actua-Target Comparison

Actua-Target Comparison

During the milling process the actual data is compared to the target values in real-time and arranged neatly for the construction manager and the foreman.

Real-time Network

Real-time Network

Mixing plant, truck logistics and sites form a network in real-time to establish comprehensive control over the processes and to enable intervention.

Construction Diary

Construction Diary

In the construction diary bottlenecks, execution procedures or the milling process are documented. All data is available for subsequent analysis.

Weighing System

Weighing System

Interfaces connecting the weighing bridge automatically register the tonnage of the trucks and transfer them to BPO. The volume assessment is updated and sent to the site.

Material Disposition

Material Disposition

The volume assessment always informs the foreman at which unloading location which amount of milling material was unloaded. The trucks can always be sent to the correct location.

Individually Customisable

Individually Customisable

You have further ideas, requests or incentives for your system? This is not a problem! BPO is individually customisable and adapts to every client's needs.

Evaluation of the Milling Process

To evaluate the milling progress every load is connected to the respective unloading location. After completion of the construction measure it can be retraced where which load was milled and loaded. All available data is connected via the causal relation of the construction sequence and are available for evaluation on the push of a button. This is how the time of loading and unloading, the material volume, the licence plate and further data is documented and can be evaluated in interactive diagrams through the Business Intelligence Solution (BI). The interactive evaluation options enable to easily identify if the target requirements were met or if cost calculation needs to be adjusted for further milling projects.

Evaluation of the Disposal Site or Mixing Plant

The unloading process of the milling trucks is registered at the disposal sites or mixing plants. The documented unloading times are ready for analysis. Comparison between actual data and target estimations allows conclusions to be drawn on wether the estimated cycle times are realistic for the next days or if adjustments of the performance data are necessary.

Evaluation of the Transport Logistics

Not just the disposal site and the mixing plant are forming a real-time network during the milling process. The entire truck logistics can be integrated with the free “BPO Live” app or via interfaces connecting the fleet management system. With a geofence the truck’s idle time on site or at the mixing plant are automatically documented. the idle time analysis is ready for evaluation during the milling process and allows the foreman to check on idle times for specific trucks. At the end of a work day the time spent driving, unloading and waiting of every truck are identifiable. Rout deviations, lap times and time spent in traffic jams are discernible as well as pack formation of drivers or non-coordinated process speeds.

Our Clients about BPO:

  • BPO controls the milling process in real-time and prevents idle time on site and in logistics.

    Jens Schulze, Machine Operator

  • With BPO we are always informed about the current progress in construction. BPO helps us to plan the construction process and to minimise cost.

    Rüdiger Schäfer, Construction Manager

  • Learn to minimise idle time and to shorten the construction period.

    Allgemeine Bauzeitung 

  • Excellent transfer of methods into daily construction work.

    Mario Schneider, Construction Manager